Our Editorial Policy for articles to be published in the JoYMGG is as follows:
The Journal of Y-DNA and mtDNA Genetic Genealogy is committed to ethical and open publication of articles on any topic relevant to Y-DNA and/or mtDNA genetic genealogy.
Articles must be factual although may certainly include the author’s opinions as long as they do not denigrate or misrepresent any person, company, country, ethnicity or cultural group, or speculate on the actions or motivations of others outside of the author’s direct knowledge.
The JoYMGG is a public forum and authors must ensure compliance with the terms of service of testing and analysis companies and obtain the approval of group members as necessary. Articles however must not under any circumstances include private or identifying information for any group members.
This policy is posted as a guide and the editorial board of the JoYMGG retains the right of final decision over whether to publish any article for any reason.
By submitting an article for publication, authors grant the JoYMGG editorial board permission to reproduce and disseminate the article as accepted in an upcoming JoYMGG publication and to further reproduce it as part of that publication in the future. Authors otherwise retain all rights to their articles.